(L to R): Camielle Reed, myself, Hannah Chang, Everett Tarlton, Chelsea Kinser, Josh Holley
Photo Credit: Jeff Burkle, Cincinnati Fringe Festival, Know Theatre
In bebe, performers jump from scene to scene, from emotion to emotion, exposing their fears and vulnerabilities as they navigate their way through life and learn what it takes to openly and honestly be themselves.
I wrote, directed, choreographed, and performed in bebe, which premiered at the Cincinnati Fringe Festival in the Know Theatre (the festival’s largest venue). Through a series of vignettes, the cast, also comprised of ETSU students and alumni, attempt to accept themselves in all their varied, neurotic, and often contradictory glory. The play applauds triumphs, cringes at failures, and coaxes the audience to root for the performers as they both playfully and earnestly navigate their way through interpersonal relationships.
bebe fuses dance and spoken word to create the fullest storytelling experience. I find inspiration in composing what I like to call a dance-ical, a play that breaks into dance when words no longer adequately express what the heart and mind hope to communicate.
In a review for Cincinnati Refined, Jay Shifman, said, "The first show, bebe, held at the Know Theatre, was a vibrant arrangement of dance and expression. Multiple individual stories of personal struggles were combined to create a funny, yet soul-exposing tapestry of emotion... bebe left us stunned -- silent even -- after that final bow. The message of the show was convincing: Wake up every morning and give it your best." Click here for: Full Review
Photo Credit: Steven Garnett and Hannah Chang.