Hannah Chang, Casey Finkle, Jenna Middlebrooks, Everett Tarlton, Maggie Hines, Josh Holley, and Katrina Kaldenbach performing Get Me There at Northern Kentucky University. Photo Credit: Mikki Schaffner
In 2013, I was invited by Professor Jane Green to present my choreography at Northern Kentucky University. I was thrilled to bring a group of ETSU students to perform The Physics of a Teardrop, A Line in the Sand, and Get Me There.
About Get Me There
Get Me There was a wonderful collaboration between myself and the students. They created much of the choreography featured in the first half of the dance, which I pieced together and overlapped in order to give the opening a chaotic "three ring circus" feel to it. Then, at the climax of the dance, they all come together with synchronous movement, which I created to represent, 'when we work together, we get where we need to go.' I so admire the enthusiasm and incredible artistry of these students and am ever grateful for their collaborative spirit!